A Superior Platform
Meifang8 is China's largest search platform for United States property listings. Connecting U.S. realtors and Chinese buyers, we aim to provide the fastest, most convenient method of finding beautiful properties. Giving realtors full access to the internet means giving full priority to successful purchases. In only three years, nearly a thousand realtors have registered on our platform, helping thousands of Chinese buyers find their favorite homes. Connecting realtors and buyers is our #1 priority. Make your American Dream come true with the help of Meifang8.
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Latest Listings Database
MeiFang8 is updated daily to provide the most complete property buying experience to Chinese customers.
Properties Coverage
MeiFang8 covers more than 15 major States which are the most popular regions for Chinese investors.
Marketing Channels
MeiFang8’s marketing approaches are very diverse, including but not limited to Chinese search engines, social media advertising, media exposures and multiple offline channels cooperations.
Full Services
MeiFang8 provides pre-sale services such as free consultation, buying advices as well as translation services for customers.
How We Promote
Website Platform
Each day, tens of thousands of visitors surf on our website.
Media Exposure
There are over 800 million mobile device users in China. Microblogging, Wechat and mobile websites are the three major social medias that MeiFang8 puts huge efforts on.
Offline Channels
MeiFang8 regularly holds overseas property investment exhibitions (mainly in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen) to promote and build close relationships with property buyers and referrals.
MeiFang8 advertises through collaboration with most famous media platforms in China such as Baidu, Sohu, Tencent etc.
Customer Service Center
Chinese buyers can call our 24-hour Customer Service Hotline at 4001-678-009 for answers.
Email Marketing
MeiFang8 acknowledges the importance of the email marketing. We ensure we are in close contact with property buyers and realtors by emails across Chinese Great firewall.