


  • 崔海澜
  • 纽约民用及商业地产投资...
  • 现服务于:Your Vanity Realty LLC.
  • 手机:001-917-868-3578
  • 微信:nyhome123
  • 证件号:10491207449



崔海澜常年居住在纽约,十分热爱这座多姿多彩的大都市,不仅对纽约市五大区 (曼哈顿,布鲁克林,皇后区,布朗克斯区,史泰登岛) 以及纽约市周边地区的地产情况了如指掌,更对各个社区的饮食起居、娱乐生活如数家珍,能够迅速根据您的需求为您匹配到合适的房源。丰富的经验和体贴入微的服务为崔海澜赢得了极佳的口碑,成为投资人心中最值得信赖的地产投资顾问。

崔海澜拥有Certified Buyer Representative头衔 (CBR,全美只有低于1%的经纪人获得该头衔),同时拥有最高级别的经纪人执照(Licensed Real Estate Broker),拥有自己的美国地产经纪品牌Your Vanity Realty LLC. (YVR) 并出任CEO,公司拥有大量off-market以及exclusive的独家房源等第一手最新的房源信息以满足您不同的住房以及投资需求。YVR不仅专注于房产,更会通过各种渠道带领客户深入社区,帮助客户更全面地了解,更容易地融入将要投资的地区。本着“住好房,品美味,享人生”的理念,已为众多买家与投资者提供了令人满意的服务。



先生 女士

438 east 12th street #3B $ 2,195,000 / ¥ 13,674,850 438 East 12th street, Manhattan, NY 2220天前
1399 Park Avenue #11D $ 1,995,000 / ¥ 12,428,850 1399 Park Avenue, Manhattan, NY 2676天前
200 E 95th street #28A $ 10,769,000 / ¥ 67,090,870 200 E 95th street, Manhattan, NY 2676天前
#9N $ 1,390,000 / ¥ 8,659,700 252 South Street, Manhattan, NY 2220天前
South 11A $ 15,250,000 / ¥ 95,007,500 160 Leroy st., Manhattan, NY 2220天前
Maisonette-B $ 2,700,000 / ¥ 16,821,000 287 East Houston st, Manhattan, NY 2220天前
225 w 17th street $ 6,250,000 / ¥ 38,937,500 225 W 17th street, Manhattan, NY 2220天前
252 East 57th Street $ 4,530,000 / ¥ 28,221,900 252 East 57th street, Manhattan, NY 2221天前
The Vantage $ 1,324,000 / ¥ 8,248,520 308 E 38th street, Manhattan, NY 8520天前
11 Beach $ 7,695,000 / ¥ 47,939,850 11 Beach street, Manhattan, NY 2221天前
91 Leonard $ 1,200,000 / ¥ 7,476,000 91 leonard street, Manhattan, NY 2221天前
121 E 22nd $ 1,350,000 / ¥ 8,410,500 121 East 22nd street, Manhattan, NY 2222天前
172 $ 3,150,000 / ¥ 19,624,500 172 madison ave, Manhattan, NY 2222天前
172 $ 3,150,000 / ¥ 19,624,500 172 madison ave, Manhattan, NY 2222天前
Vitre $ 1,555,000 / ¥ 9,687,650 302 East 96th street, Manhattan, NY 2222天前
80 East 10th street $ 8,250,000 / ¥ 51,397,500 80 east 10th street, Manhattan, NY 2223天前
The Sutton $ 3,749,990 / ¥ 23,362,438 959 first avenue, Manhattan, NY 2223天前
591 Third Avenue $ 2,220,000 / ¥ 13,830,600 591 Third Avenue, Manhattan, NY 2223天前
515 west 29th street $ 5,250,000 / ¥ 32,707,500 515 west 29th street, Manhattan, NY 2224天前
432 park ave $ 5,950,000 / ¥ 37,068,500 432 park ave, Manhattan, NY 2228天前