
赵婉欣 Leah Zhao美房吧欢迎您!


  • 赵婉欣 Leah Zhao
  • 佛罗里达地区专业房产地...
  • 在中国的家乡:湖北 武汉市
  • 现服务于:Andis Real Estate Services, LLC
  • 手机:01-239-331-5665
  • 微信:wanxin0305
  • 证件号:SL3343764


Leah Zhao,美国佛罗里达持照房产经纪人,她一直致力于那不勒斯、佛州地区乃至全美的房地产经纪业务,为华人朋友提供真诚、热情、周到的房产买卖及管理服务。无论您是商业、住宅、教育还是投资等各方面的房产买卖需求,她都能快速提供您所需要的信息和适合您的房源,并帮您顺利完成交易过程的每一个步骤,如房屋检验、产权调查及过户、房产保险并包括交房之后的后续服务,如开通水电气、网络和垃圾服务,银行开户、子女入学等等。如果您是购买投资物业,她也可以帮助您做房屋的维护和出租管理。
专业 热情、真诚细致、永远微笑是我的特色。

From the minute you meet Leah, you will know that she is the Realtor that you have been searching for.

Leah has been involved in the real estate business more than ten years and knows the real estate market in Florida very well. She is exceptionally enthusiastic & detail-oriented and as a professional she will provide you with the highest quality service and the quickest turn-around time that you would expect from a top-notch Realtor. She is also eager to provide post-closing services as well, including house maintenance and rental management if needed.
Leah’s real estate services are based on the trails of integrity, dependability and commitment. She always wants to make sure her clients are getting into the right house, in the right place and at the right price. Feel free to contact her regarding any of your real estate needs.


先生 女士

这个庄园房位置好,面积也大! $ 900,000 / ¥ 5,607,000 8150 Vanderbilt Beach Rd , Naples, FL 1038天前
带码头的海景豪宅 $ 22,900,000 / ¥ 142,667,000 1070 Nelsons Walk , Naples, FL 1029天前
5000 英尺的大庄园房 $ 1,199,000 / ¥ 7,469,770 360 37TH AVE NE , Naples, FL 1014天前
中小新盘,好投资房! $ 520,000 / ¥ 3,239,600 2665 Seychelles Cir, Naples, FL 985天前
大庄园房 $ 1,550,000 / ¥ 9,656,500 1961 20TH AVE NE , Naples, FL 1016天前
最美不过庄园房 $ 1,280,000 / ¥ 7,974,400 2265 Golden Gate Blvd W , Naples, FL 1015天前
带码头的水景大别墅 $ 4,500,000 / ¥ 28,035,000 4260 Tarpon Ave, Bonita Springs, FL 1028天前